This is a difficult post for me to write and publish.Especially right after my most recent post – WHY I LOVE NEW THOUGHT (LINK). I guess it is a case of divine timing.

It was inspired by a comment to a previous post on spiritual leadership (LINK). In my professional life, I have served for 24 years as a police officer and for 21 years as a minister of Religious Science. I say serve, because both roles are service if done properly – if approached from a consciousness of giving of your best self to something bigger than yourself. So I have served, imperfectly to be sure, but I have been able to give of myself in a variety of roles and have, for the most part, avoided the sense of separation that affects so many in the “service” professions.


From many in my law enforcement family today there is a sense of indignation that the citizens that they serve(d) would see them as harmful, even as casual assassins. But rather than a recourse to deep inner exploration, there is an angry retort, a “HOW DARE YOU!” attitude accompanied by a refusal to give an inch in the grand debate about relationships with citizens of color in the United States. This is a response from fear, from a tribal sense of us vs. them that has been cultivated over time in the police culture. It is the result of our (yes OUR) collective failure to teach things like emotional intelligence and the Shadow (LINK) in our culture. I include this information because my experiences in law enforcement have helped to frame my viewpoints about leadership integrity.

When I see the long line of spiritual leaders who have failed to show emotional intelligence (LINK) or spiritual intelligence (LINK) in their work, I weep. From the Catholic priests who abused children (and others) (LINK) to the televangelists who scam their emotionally unintelligent flock, to the New Thought ministers who have run afoul of ethical standards, we can see the difficulties inherent in positions of “service.”

Some years ago, since I had a background in law enforcement, I was asked to help revise the then RSI/ICSL policies regarding ethical complaints and investigations. In order to see what was needed, I reviewed a number of old cases (which I will not reveal here). What I saw was a number of very sad and disturbing cases where ministers or practitioners preyed upon or took advantage of those in their circle of influence.

What were the main drivers of these ethical and legal violations? The same ones that I saw in police work:

  • Money
  • Sex
  • Power

Actually, when sex was involved it was usually about power, not just sex. All of these issues arise from a sense of separation and a lack of self-value of one sort or another. Our New Thought teachings and their emphasis on positive thinking can form a mask, or create a spiritual bypass, over our inner fears, hatreds, and dysfunctions – even when they appear out in the open. The spiritual leader who becomes toxic (not in essence, but in actions) will often attract into his circle people whose own inner needs make them enablers of the dysfunctions of others. The Law of Attraction (LINK) works here to create a situation where harm can and does occur.


In many of our spiritual communities, we are conditioned to believe that the spiritual leader has the deepest knowledge of the teaching and that his knowledge should not be questioned; then, we may observe dysfunctional behavior and have to decide what to do about it. If we are lacking in emotional and spiritual intelligence, we will likely form a mindset that makes what the leader is doing acceptable and understandable, or we will deny it entirely. Those upon whom the toxic leader is preying will often come to be seen as the ones who have done something wrong.

The kinds of behaviors that occur in such cases can include relatively common ones, such as the spiritual leader being needy and creating a group around her who enable her neediness by trying to give her what she is not providing for herself. This can include attention, money, companionship, even romantic relationships, etc. Such a situation can upend the vision and core values of the community and put all of the community’s energy into serving the spiritual leader.

Another version of this is the spiritual leader with an autocratic streak, who insists on complete fealty from members, including board members and other leaders, to his authority. Often, people are bullied and trampled emotionally by such a leader. Trust quickly evaporates in such conditions and those members with a healthy sense of self-value will likely depart; leaving behind those who are inclined to be the victims and enablers of such behavior.

There may be no obvious great harm in this, at least not in the short term, however, the spiritual community who has such a leader will expend most of its energy in “supporting the spiritual leader” rather than in developing spiritually intelligent members.

Poster - Jung - Shadow Warrior

Other behaviors can be more damaging – such as a spiritual leader who borrows money from members or lets members pay for his expenses on a regular basis; or who takes “advances” on future earnings from the community bank account; or who embezzles the spiritual community’s funds.

A spiritual leader who takes advantage of others sexually through relationships established in classes or in counseling settings is another example of such seriously harmful behavior. Such abuses of power are always out of integrity – even though some have led to marriages which have endured. It is a paradox – but one that more often has a sad outcome for the spiritual leaders’ “romantic” victims.


So what are we to do when such situations occur? The spiritual leader is expected to be the living example of integrity and spiritual intelligence. What do we do when he or she is not?

In Part 2, I will explore what resources exist for such issues within the spiritual organizations, and what options members of a spiritual community whose leader is expressing toxic behaviors have in creating a healing outcome.

In Part 3, I will explore healing options for the spiritual leaders who find themselves out of integrity.

As always, your comments are welcome – however, I am asking that any comments about specific cases not include specific identifying information (names/places), for what I think are obvious reasons. Comments which include such information will not be published.

I am available for personal consultations – contact me at DrJim-Lockard@ATT.net for that purpose.

Copyright 2016 – Jim Lockard


  1. Jim–

    Well said. I look forward to the remaining articles. Thank you.


    Rev. Eileen O. Brownell, MS Christ Light Ministries Expressing kindness, joy and humor centered in Christ 530-342-6300 153 Picholine Way Chico, CA 95928


  2. Hi Jim, Excellent article and I’ve seen some of these behaviors acted out damaging the entire community. So many members don’t want to deal with the person in question due to beliefs and /or denial of the reality of of the toxic person acting out under their authority. Really sad when it happens , principle will rule in time even if to late for the organization. Well being. Keep up your fine work and insight into the “shadow side of life”. Blessings & Good Thoughts, Frank

    Rev. Frank Fischer Producer Minister – Practitioner – Life Coach Founding Board Member – 1989 Center for Spiritual Living-Los Angeles

    Phone: 310-890-1335 Emails Frank.itisinc@hotmail.com FFischer614@gmail.com

    FB page- LIFE, Life is for Everyone



  3. Thank you for this post. It has made me more appreciative and loving of my first Spiritual leader who is the epitome of one who lives in integrity and introduce me to Religious Science principles, almost daily, I call upon 20 years later.


  4. Having had first hand experiences with such toxic ones I totally appreciate your message. I have had to realize that sometimes, “Happy, happy happy!
    without owning shadow material can make for an unhappy religion.


  5. Good work. May you continue to do so for many mote years. Thank you.

    On Sep 22, 2016 5:35 AM, “New Thought Evolutionary” wrote:

    jimlockard posted: “This is a difficult post for me to write and publish.Especially right after my most recent post – WHY I LOVE NEW THOUGHT (LINK). I guess it is a case of divine timing. It was inspired by a comment to a previous post on spiritual leadership (LINK). In my “

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This post is so appropriate for so many, I’m sad to say. I too have experienced this with several Ministers in my 50+ years in this philosophy. Sometimes I think ministers are passed before they are truly ready to step into a ministry. Yes, we all continue to grow into our understandings of how things work and there also has to be a true commitment to being honest when we see it isn’t there yet, so we can support the awakening to a better understanding. We all grow through the process. I think there has been too much “It’s all good, no worries” kind of attitude that we loose sight of the idea that we have to take personal responsibility for our actions. I look forward to your next installment Jim. Thank you for putting it out here.


  7. Thank you for this much needed post, Dr. Jim. I am looking forward to the rest of your message on this subject.
    I am sensing into the paradox of making the discernment between the Non-Dual Consciousness of Unconditional Love, in which, well Love has no conditions…..and the Love that is indeed held to accountability through adhering to morals, values and standards of conduct, behaviour and a general common sense of human rights and responsibilities.
    The challenge is to be able to hold both of these perspectives simultaneously (as in all is true and partial). To love the Essence of the person while at the same time demanding certain conditions. Not unlike the responsible parent to the child, “I love you, but I do not love your behavior”
    It is easy to see how spiritual communities may be subject to getting these two perspectives misaligned, or misunderstood. Especially, since it does require a certain level of functionality to be able to demonstrate emotional and spiritual intelligence. Many are drawn to spiritual communities because they have been broken down by life’s circumstances and are seeking a place in which to heal, to commune and to receive guidance, while not yet at a point where they themselves may be able to discern healthy from unhealthy leadership. It is almost a wonder that any spiritual community can escape these potential issues from manifesting at some level.
    I am looking forward to hearing your remedies for this so prevalent phenomenon…. which, from my lens, is not limited to just spiritual communities, but is evident in many disciplines.


    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hello Rev. Lockard. This is an excellent article. Your articles are based on the current leadership literature and written in a style that has a depth to them, but is easily understood. I look forward to the series.

    Yes, God or Divine Energy is in, as, and expresses through all people. While we are spiritual beings having a human experience, it is our behavior, our actions, as you clearly said, that express as humans, sometimes evolving, sometimes devolving. Some, in New Thought, forget that or it becomes something we choose to ignore, because we are all “spiritual beings.” Discerning behavior or a person’s actions as principle-based (serving or evolving the community) or manipulative (self-serving/ devolving the community) is critical in all communities if they are to thrive and support others.

    Particularly, when someone lacks emotional intelligence, sometimes they come to believe others are sent to serve them as their lack of emotional intelligence lends itself to “attracting” others with a need to be needed (as a human being), not “realizing” they are using others to fulfill their personal emotional needs. They may come to believe their abundance, their Power, their Divinity, their frame of reference is outside of themselves, in others. In New Thought they won’t tell you that…they don’t see the error of their belief.

    They may feel that since God works through people, others, as Divinity, have “shown up” and “stepped up” to be a beneficial Presence for them and those in their “group.” “The God in you came to serve the God in me.” “You’re either in or you’re out.” Unfortunately, they attract victims, co-dependent practitioners and members that erroneously have come to believe that love, life and service are based on helping or fixing others, instead of giving people the opportunity to evolve from an inside/out frame of reference…from the Power within themselves.

    Of course those same people may believe their consciousness is higher than others, certainly higher than mine, confronting them on their toxic, devolving behavior.


  9. Excellent. Thank you so much for thus post. I am grateful for your willingness to really “dive” into these subjects. I look forward to parts two and three.


  10. Jim, I’m so grateful to you for illuminating this important subject with grace and wisdom. I’m looking forward to your continued insights on this subject.

    Love & Blessings
    Marianne Giblin RScP
    Seal Beach Center for Spiritual Living


  11. Pingback: WHEN THE SPIRITUAL LEADER IS TOXIC – PART 2 | New Thought Evolutionary

  12. Pingback: THE PERILS OF NEW THOUGHT | New Thought Evolutionary



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