Continuing our exploration of the seven core beliefs from my book SACRED THINKING: Awakening Your Inner Power (LINK), this post looks at beliefs 5 & 6. The first post (LINK) looked at Beliefs 1 & 2; The second post (LINK) looked at Beliefs 3 & 4.


As a human being, you are an individualized (not individual, which means separate) expression of the One Spirit, as are all other human beings and everything else in creation. You can never be separate from Spirit, nor can you ever truly be separate from anything else in creation. Your connection to everything is invisible, consisting of energy (both physical and non-physical) and intelligence. Your intelligence, your mind, is part of the Mind (Spirit) which created everything.

‎”The individual is going to be universalized, 
the universal is going to be individualized, 
and thus from both directions the whole is going to be enriched.”
~ Jan Smuts, Holism and Evolution

The idea of separation, of being apart from the Divine Source, is the cause of all human suffering in one way or another. We are Source expressing, experiencing, and evolving as us; we exist by means of Source and Source experiences by means of us.

God can never abandon or condemn you because you are an aspect of Its expression and because it is not God’s nature to do so. God is not a being with human feelings, but an immanent force. God does not know the details of you, your racial or ethnic heritage, what your gender identity may be, or what failings you have had. It knows you only in a general sense and wishes you well as part of God’s unfolding, much as you do not know any individual cell in your body, but you wish them all well as vehicles for your human expression.

“In this view, God is not an external deity who creates the world and then steps back to observe it, but an immanent force that is constantly at work within the universe, guiding its development towards greater complexity, diversity, and consciousness. Thus, the concept of God as the Evolutionary Impulse suggests that the universe is not a static entity, but a dynamic and evolving one, and that we are all part of this ongoing process of growth and transformation.”
~ Nish Dubashia on Facebook

This “guidance” is not like a human conscious process, but it is the action of universal law set in motion and allowed to evolve in a constantly changing series of patterns of intelligence interacting as energy. Matter is a form of energy, so everything in the universe is made of the same stuff.


Spirit experiences being human by means of you and all other human beings. This experience is not through you but as you. Spirit does the same thing with all levels and beings of creation. Why Spirit does this is a mystery that is ultimately unknowable.

“The creation of your life experience does not happen without your involvement in each unfolding instant.”
~ Jim Lockard, Sacred Thinking

Perhaps the most challenging New Thought principle is the nature of our relationship to and with Source. Its essence is relationship, the interplay between creative intelligence and creation. Without a realization of this relationship and its nature, one is easily left feeling adrift in a hostile or uncaring universe.

When you KNOW that you are one with Source (whatever name you give It), your experience of the world changes in an alchemical way. You are in relationship with It and by cultivating a relationship with your inner intuitive knowing, you come to realize the nature of that relationship more deeply.

“What the world needs is spiritual conviction, followed by spiritual experience. I would rather see a student of this Science prove its Principle than to have him repeat all the words of wisdom that have ever been uttered. It is far easier to teach the Truth than it is to practice It.” ~ Ernest Holmes

As always, your comments are welcomed. The next post will explore belief 7 from SACRED THINKING.

Copyright 2024 – Jim Lockard


  1. Thanks Jim! 

    A beautiful read to bless my Saturday! 

    Enjoy Mexico and Happy Happy Birthday to Dorianne.



    div>Corinne Crockett 

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  2. I’m sitting here being a good girl and following the CSL guidelines for prayer. I am speaking in the I and not for anyone else. The problem lies in people and organizations that promote this reference to “I” because they are speaking for other beings and and Universes.
    I’m talking about Neil Tyson, Oprah Winfrey, Elon Musk, Bill Gates foundation, TED talks, Donald Trump etc.
    Neil Degrasse Tyson is the most obvious to explain in similarity to CSL. He tells you to manifest by putting energy into your manifestation. On top of that attach emotion to it. Then wait for the Universe to reward you. In reality, you are sending your energy and emotion to Neil to make him stronger in our Universe. While you wait patiently. Elon Musk is such an expert at drawing your energy and money into his web, yet we wonder why he is powerful. Donald Trump is fueled by our negative energy.
    God Damn It, I’m done. I am inviting and guiding whatever Universe I need into my thoughts and prayers. The Universe will respond to me directly. There are a Universe of Universes of which I am a part of to whom I may talk to. I specialize in representing those who have been ignored and unappreciated. For instance, my gall bladder and my swollen right hand need extra attention.
    I have the right to speak to and represent Universe of Nature which I am a part of. The Giant Sequoias don’t have to always have priority just because they are the largest and demand the most resources.
    I manifest I may control, confront and interact with any Universe I am a part of. Everyone has this right and ability. And I am dedicated to ensuring everyone knows their Universal rights. I am designing Universal Prayer Manifestation. I will broadcast this to the grandest Universe we have from the biggest stars and the smallest beings on Earth. May the imagination of manifestation always remain a step ahead of control and domination.
    Julie Jewels


  3. I’m sitting here being a good girl and following the CSL guidelines for prayer. I am speaking in the I and not for anyone else. The problem lies in people and organizations that promote this reference to “I” while they are speaking for other beings and Universes, while I wait in the sidelines, waiting for approval.
    I’m talking about Neil Tyson, Oprah Winfrey, Elon Musk, Bill Gates foundation, TED talks, Donald Trump etc.
    Neil Degrasse Tyson is the most obvious to explain in similarity to CSL. He tells you to manifest by putting energy into your manifestation. On top of that attach emotion to it. Then wait for the Universe to reward you. In reality, you are sending your energy and emotion to Neil to make him stronger in our Universe. While you wait patiently. Elon Musk is such an expert at drawing your energy and money into his web, yet we wonder why he is powerful. Donald Trump is fueled by our negative energy.
    God Damn It, I’m done. I am inviting and guiding whatever Universe I need into my thoughts and prayers. The Universe will respond to me directly. There are a Universe of Universes of which I am a part of to whom I may talk to. I specialize in representing those who have been ignored and unappreciated. For instance, my gall bladder and my swollen right hand need extra attention.
    I have the right to speak to and represent Universe of Nature which I am a part of. The Giant Sequoias don’t have to always have priority just because they are the largest and demand the most resources.
    I manifest I may control, confront and interact with any Universe I am a part of. Everyone has this right and ability. And I am dedicated to ensuring everyone knows their Universal rights. I am designing Universal Prayer Manifestation. I will broadcast this to the grandest Universe we have from the biggest stars and the smallest beings on Earth. May the imagination of manifestation always remain a step ahead of control and domination.


  4. Pingback: SACRED THINKING REVISITED 4 – THE 7 BELIEFS: BELIEF 7 | New Thought Evolutionary

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